Monthly Clinical Meeting ‘SSN’
07/02/2079 (21st May 2022) Saturday,
Yellow Building (MMC), Room 9
(Maharajgunj Medical Campus building, Second floor, On the way to Kanti Childrens Hospital)
- An unusual case of Pneumoperitoneum! Dr Milan KC (M.S Resident)
Department of General Surgery
- Pancreaticoduodenectomy in unusual circumstances Dr. Deepak Sharma (MCh Resident)
Department of Surgical Gastroenterology
- Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery Dr Sandesh Dahal (MCh)
Department of Neurosurgery
- Malrotation masquerading as Intussusception Dr Prekshan Rimal (M.S)
Department of Paediatric Surgery
- Endobronchial LASER: a new beginning! Dr Srijana Thapa (FCPS)
Department of CTVS (MCVTC)
- Partial Ear Reconstruction with TPFF and Costochondral Graft Dr. Sushant Rai (MCh)
Department of Plastic Surgery
- Right Adrenal Mass with Right Renal Vein Thrombus with IVC Thrombus
Dr. Prakash Mainali (MS Resident)
Department of Urology and Renal Transplant