Cadeveric workshop
Province 3, Chitwan chapter of SSN organized a Cadeveric workshop at the Bharatpur Hospital in December 31st 2022, (16th of Poush) Saturday. Total twenty participants were there .Seven of the participants were from CMCTH , five from COMS, four from BPKMCTH, four from Bharatpur Hospital and one forensic expert. Two cadavers were used for the workshop.
Faculties for the workshop were;
- Thoracotomy approaches, Pneumonectomy, lobectomy Cardio thoracic and oesophagus anatomy
( Dr. Binay Thakur, Dr. Anil Acharya, Dr. Nikesh)
- Transverse abdominis muscle release ( Dr. Ashis Pun, Dr. Rajesh Mandal)
- Colonic mobilization Right and left hemicolectomy with D3 ( Dr. Narayan Belbase, Dr. Rajesh Mandal)
- Liver mobilization and hepatectomy ( Dr. Binay Thakur, Dr. Rajesh Mandal, Dr. Ashis pun)
- Vascular anastomosis ( Dr. Anil Acharya, Dr. Nikesh) Hepatic resection ( Dr. Ashis Pun, Dr. Rajesh Mandal)