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२०८१ फाल्गुन ३०, शुक्रबार
नेपाल शल्य चिकित्सक समाज, नेपाल
Society of Surgeons of Nepal (SSN)

Nepal heads the Chair of SAARC Surgical Care Society.

The 52nd Sri Lanka Surgical Congress (SLSC 2023), organized by the College of Surgeons was successfully conducted on 14th to the 16th of September, 2023 at the UCFM Tower, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. The theme of the conference was, “Training the Future Surgeon.
It was undertaken with the collaboration of esteemed organizations such as the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCS-EDIN) and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
in Surgical Care (SAARCSC) and the support and participation of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia (ELSA), International
Society for Surgeons (ISS – IATSIC) & other sister colleges/ associations.


During the event, the presidency of the SAARC Surgical Care Society was handed over to Prof Sunil Kumar Sharma Dhakal, President of the Society of Surgeons of Nepal (SSN) for 2024-2025
by the current president, Prof. M. D. Lamawansa.


A group of 15 delegates attending the Sri Lanka Surgical Congress conducted by the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka (24th to 26th November 2022) visited the SAARC Surgical Care Society Headquarters on 25thNovember. The members of the group included Prof Abdul Majeed Chaudhry from Pakistan, Prof Sunil Kumar Sharma, President Society of Nepal (SSN), Dr Bikal Ghimire, Secretary (SSN), Prof Arjuna Aluvihare, Prof Bawantha Gamage, Secretary General of the SARC SCS and other Surgical doctors from Sri Lanka as well as abroad.


SAARC Surgical Care Society was established in 1990s with the main objective of close relationship between the surgical societies of various countries, exchange of technology and
experiences besides upholding the dignity and prestige of surgeons. In 1994, at the Annual meeting of the Society of Surgeons of Nepal (SSN), which was combined with the meeting of the ICS
sections of the SAARCS countries, the need for a SAARC forum for surgeons to get together and share common goals, ideas, and solutions of common problems, while maximizing the enormous surgical knowledge, experience, and talent of the region was articulated. Prof A. P. R. Aluwihare
is the founder president of the society. The recognized body status was finalized in 2002 and the first formal SAAR SCS meeting took place in Kandy again with the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka (CSSL) meeting in 2003, when Prof C Ratnathunga was the CSSL President, at which the founder President of SAARC Surgical Care Society (SSCS) Prof A. P. R. Aluwihare handed over to the first of his successors.
At the next meeting of the SSCS in Bangladesh in 2004, the need and desire to have the headquarters in Sri Lanka was ratified and Sri Lanka was given the task of identifying land and creating the Head Quarters. The various SAARC SCS meetings thereafter confirmed this.
According to the SSCS constitution, the presidency of the society passed on every two years, rotating within the SAARC region. During this time travel surgeons between the member countries  has grown encouraged by the SSCS.