(New member has to download the reference form and get it signed by any existing member)
(Click the link above and follow the instructions for SSN MEMBERS only)
Applying for membership:
Email : infossnnepal@gmail.com
2. Pay the amount of the membership fees on line (esewa/ Bank account):
3. Membership fee:
Associate members who have passed MS in General Surgery or Equivalent can get full membership at no added cost after submission of the relevant certificates.
SSN account No: 01900107790017
Account Name : नेपाल शल्य चिकित्सक समाज/ SOCIETY OF SURGEONS OF NEPAL (SSN)
Himalayan Bank Branch : Thamel
Swift code – HIMANPKA
The executive committee will review the application and contact you in 3 months time.
Communicate with the General secretary for further communication. (infossnnepal@gmail.com)
(online application and payment mandatory)